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SFS24 Volunteers Needed.png


We are so excited that Sweatin' For Shriners has gotten so big over the past few years that we are in need of additional help during the event!


If you've ever attended any of the previous SFS events in the past, you know that this 24+ hours are high-energy and there's always a LOT going on- and all for good reason! 


This year, in addition to the Bootcamps and Sponsored workouts, we also have Rehab Chiropractic Sessions, Chair Massage Sessions, our Participant Swag Bags, and Raffle Tickets to manage.


All volunteers will have a set "schedule" (which is pretty flexible!) and an assigned tasks for that "shift". 

Snacks and Hydration will be provided.


For more information, please contact Samantha at 510-703-1394 or with SFS24 Volunteer in the subject line. 

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